Come Out and Play / A Day in the Life
Often times I find myself listening to a song that I’ve heard a hundred times, and BAM, I find inspiration to film and create something. I’ve always had a side passion for videography…something about capturing people, especially kids, in their natural element makes my heart full. Maybe it’s because my Dad was always capturing us as kids (remember the 50lb -rest on the shoulder- camcorders?), and being able to watch random every day moments from my childhood- not just the major life events- is priceless to me. I love being able to give that priceless treasure to others.
This particular video is of the toddlers I was caring for while their parents were out of town last weekend. I was listening to music at some point on Friday and “Come out and Play” by Billie Eilish came on my Spotify playlist. I’ve heard it countless times, always adored it, and BAM, it hit me that I should film Wells and Bertie throughout the day doing the things that toddlers do: Play.
Let’s be real here. It’s no easy feat watching two kids under 3 by yourself. I’d like to imagine that it’s all cuddles, stories and playtime. The reality is that there’s countless diaper changes, (“you pooped AGAIN??”), potty accidents, whining, clinginess, early mornings, refusal to eat the healthy foods you prepare, and overall lots of sweat from the physical exertion it takes to lift, carry, and chase these busy but adorable humans. Yet none of that matters at the end of the day.
I take care of kids with my whole heart, I really do. I think there’s no greater gift we can give kids than a wonderful childhood where they feel loved, safe, surrounded by humor, dance, song, and exploration.
At the end of the day, when the busy bees are conked out from another day in the life, I find myself missing them (what?! Earth to self: kick your feet up for a MINUTE, and enjoy the peace) And when they wake me up before the sunrise, I look forward to scooping them out of their crib, carrying them down the stairs, making their bottle, and standing at the window watching the sunrise together with my cheek smooshed up against their cheek, soaking up the love and the calm, before the storm. :)